A poker game liar, with at stake the future of the United Kingdom, was started between Theresa May and its critics in the conservative Party. In the early morning, the first minister was under siege, went to answer live questions from listeners of the radio station LBC. Right in his boots, she is defended against the charges of being the Chamberlain of modern times, prime minister from 1939 proponent of appeasement with the nazis. As in denial of a situation where each of his days in Downing Street would be counted, she fights tooth and nail to defend its agreement with the european Union, that it was always the intention to see countersigned by its twenty-seven counterparts in Brussels in eight days.
During this time, the conspirators are activated with a bluff art is consumed. The 48 letters of tory mps needed to trigger a vote of no confidence against her were supposed to have been written in the day on Thursday. Still …
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