From our correspondent in Washington
The fortress Trump is under siege, but its walls are solid. By depriving it of its majority in the House of representatives, but by reinforcing it in the Senate, Tuesday’s elections were normalized to a presidency that the democrats were hoping to disqualify as an anomaly of history.
Donald Trump is the fourth president in a row to wipe a backhand to the mid-term. Bill Clinton lost both houses in 1994, as George W. Bush in 2006, while Barack Obama had disposed of the House in 2010 and Senate in 2014. The result is similar to that of the 45th president to Ronald Reagan in 1982, of which the party had fallen 26 representatives while gaining a senator. Like the other members of this list, he was re-elected without firing a shot two years later.
“This could really be a nice cohabitation. We have a lot in common, there are great things that we could do together – ”
Trump has celebrated Wednesday “a huge success”, crediting of the victory “of those who have worked with me in this amazing election.” During a press conference, he proclaimed to have “defied history” and offered a hand to the democrats: “This could really be a nice cohabitation. We have a lot in common, there are a lot of great things that we could do together.”
Donald Trump is only the fourth president since the end of the Second world War to increase his advantage in the upper Chamber. The Senate candidates that he has vigorously supported until the last hours of the campaign have won in Indiana (Mike Braun), Missouri (Josh Hawley) and North Dakota (Kevin Cramer), waiting for confirmations, additional in Florida (Rick Scott), Arizona (Martha McSally), or even in Montana, Matt Rosendale).
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conversely, members of parliament republicans who had taken their distances with the head of the White House, largely because of his rhetoric (anti-immigration, such as Carlos Curbelo in Florida and Mike Coffman in Colorado, have been beaten in constituencies with high minority, hispanic, won by Hillary Clinton in 2016, drawing Wednesday the sarcasms of Trump.
The validation of the president is no less strongly initiated by the reversal of its majority in the House of representatives. For the first time in eight years, the democrats are going to control half of the Congress, with powers of considerable importance to “restore the balance of power in the face of the Administration to Trump,” as was announced on Tuesday evening Nancy Pelosi, who was elected from California who hopes to reclaim the seat of speaker.
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A victory even more significant that opposition to the president has, as in 2016, clearly dominated the national vote, with 3.8 million votes more than the conservative camp. The “charcutage electoral” has shown its effectiveness in reducing this supremacy, a modest majority at the Capitol. As a proof a contrario, in Pennsylvania, where the cutting-partisan constituencies had been recalibrated by the supreme court of the State, the republicans have lost their advantage of 13 seats (as against 5) in favour of equality of 9 seats with the democrats.
Among the signs considered encouraging by the camp, “liberal”, its candidates have won seats very important in the suburbs (Florida and Texas in particular) with an electorate as a moderate who makes or breaks the majorities. They may also display a balance sheet more than honorable in the Midwest and the “ring of rust”, preserving their seats of the senators of Virginia in Minnesota, with the exception of Indiana, the States usually won over by Trump in 2016. Sherrod Brown, classified as “left”, has even swept six points in the State “red” of Ohio. His will may grow in the prospect of the presidential election in 2020.
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democrats are excited about the “diversity” of the new faces sent to Washington, with, in particular, for the first time two elected muslims and two Native americans. But if there is one other lesson that they can take, it is about the limits of the money and the notoriety. Beto O’rourke has certainly put in danger, Ted Cruz in Texas, the tailgating of three points in a State solidly republican. But her war chest, unprecedented $ 62 million was not enough in the face of $ 26 million to Cruz. In Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn has only a mouthful of former democratic governor Phil Bredesen, supported by the singer Taylor Swift, to 84 million “followers” on Twitter.
Even if his ability to govern will be seriously undermined, the president considers that it is in a good position for his re-election in two years. His most fierce opponents, who dreamed to see his rhetoric and his nationalism disqualified in the ballot box, find themselves with a president become electorally “normal” in the two polls, solidly installed at the head of his party, and prepared to deliver battle in 2020.
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