Vladimir Putin declared the priority of the Constitution over international law. “It’s time to make the Basic law some of the changes that directly guarantee the priority of the Russian Constitution in our legal space”, – said the head of state on Wednesday in his message to the Federal Assembly. The priority, he said, means the following: “the requirements of international law and treaties as well as decisions of international bodies can act on the territory of Russia only to the extent that they do not entail restrictions on the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, consistent with our Constitution.”
the Idea is not new: at different times about the priority of the Constitution over international commitments, said the Chairman of the constitutional court Valery Zorkin (Russia’s participation in international conventions does not mean the delegation of sovereignty, he explained in 2015 the participants of the International law of the forum) and the Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin (he offered to give the constitutional court the right to verify the provisions of international law and the interpretation they are given by international courts). And the state Duma in the same year 2015 adopted amendments that allow the Constitutional court to declare unenforceable the decisions of international courts, primarily the European court of human rights (ECHR), in case of their contradiction of the Constitution. But formally by the basic law still stipulates that international treaties are a constituent part of the legal system of the country, and in the event of a conflict between the law and an international Treaty is applied last.
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