Correspondent in London
Twenty-seven heads of State and government in europe are waiting to find out if they should go to Brussels on Sunday, as planned, to countersign the draft agreement on the Brexit, while the british conservatives are threatening to overturn Theresa May.
” READ ALSO – Brexit: the withdrawal agreement from the EU and Theresa May can it be ratified?
The suspense of the motion of no confidence against it fomented by the wing europhobe of his party since Thursday, continued all day Monday. Twenty-six mps, tory, have publicly claimed to have written a letter to trigger the procedure, which requires at least 48. Dozens of others were supposed to follow. For one of the mutineers, Simon Clarke, this was supposed to be “historic day” where the troops would resume the helm of the ship to prevent “the captain of the lead right on the rocks”. But, despite their ranting, the coup seemed to have trouble …
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