the Crisis has opened new opportunities to transform the interaction between business, citizens and the state, said the Minister of economic development of Russia Maxim Reshetnikov. Some sectors of the economy will be forced to change.
“In a crisis new opportunities arise. For these three or four months the whole country and all sectors will be the way that in other circumstances we would have taken years” – said Reshetnikov, speaking in the state Duma during government hour.
To do this, the government introduced the draft of the national action plan for the normalization of business life, to restore employment, incomes and economic growth, — said the head of Ministry of economic development.
Special attention in this respect paid to the small and medium business “is one of the growth points in the economy, it is capital that is created with great difficulty, it’s more than 15.3 million jobs.”
For a chance for change, “it is imperative that the regulatory framework was brought in line with these new opportunities”, — said the Minister. In his opinion, this is one of the most important objectives of the joint work of the Ministry with the Parliament.
Many of these changes were brewing, but the crisis has accelerated their appearance. You need to undo a lot of the old rules, for example, to refuse paper document circulation. Do not delay and amendments in labour legislation for the legalization of remote operation.
“Udalenke” can greatly affect different sectors, for example, in the field of development of agglomerations. Many companies and employees going to work without visiting the offices. In this case, the demand for coworking, and reduced interest in office properties.
“a lot of people got a taste of remote work and not all are now ready to spend the time to get to work and back,” — said the Minister.
According to him, will grow the share of online trade, therefore, reduced demand for rental space in malls that are not already bUdut play the same role as before.
“Shopping centers have to rethink their place, including changes in the office market,” warned the Minister.
Economic activity in Russia has reached 79% from pre-crisis levels, said Reshetnikov. According to him, the activity started to increase since may 12, when the regions began to gradually remove the restrictions of the quarantine. But as pointed out by Reshetnikov, “a significant amount of the economy is frozen”. This non-food retail, catering and tourism.
By the end of may the state support of the economy and the population amounted to 3.3 trillion rubles, and the Support cover 62 areas of the economy affected by the pandemic, employing “more than 6 million people, including 3.3 million in small and medium businesses,” said Reshetnikov.