
In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B content marketing, the debate over gating content remains a hot topic. Marketing and sales teams often find themselves at odds over how much content should be gated and accessible only to those willing to provide contact information. The question arises: Does gating content make sense in 2024?

The argument for gating content is typically championed by sales teams who see it as a crucial way to drive qualified leads and opportunities. They argue that gating content is essential for measuring the effectiveness of content marketing efforts. On the other hand, some marketers push back, claiming that gating content creates barriers to engagement, limits SEO indexing, and hinders audience building.

However, a new consideration has emerged in the debate: the impact of AI search. Should valuable content be gated to prevent it from appearing as a “no-click” answer in search results or in AI-generated content? This added layer of complexity further complicates the decision-making process for marketers.

It’s important to note that gating content is not a black-and-white issue. While acquiring first-party data through gated content can lead to valuable insights and drive leads, opportunities, and sales, it’s equally important to consider the impact on audience engagement and building relationships with potential customers.

When deciding whether to gate content, marketers should consider their overarching goals. Are they focused on building audiences, moving audiences through the buyer’s journey, or both? Understanding the distinction between these objectives is crucial in developing a strategic approach to content gating.

The Three Laws of Audience Motion

To navigate the complexities of content gating and audience engagement, marketers can turn to what I call the “three laws of audience motion.” These foundational concepts provide insights into how audiences behave as they interact with content and progress through the buyer’s journey.

1. Law of Audience Motion: Content Value Consistency Is Key to Audience Engagement

Consistency in delivering valuable content experiences is essential to engaging audiences. Whether you’re aiming to build or move an audience, providing consistent value is key to maintaining their interest and participation.

When building an audience, it’s important to attract individuals who are not necessarily ready to make a purchase but are interested in the value your content provides. By delivering valuable content consistently, you can cultivate a loyal audience base that sees the potential for future value in your offerings.

2. Law of Audience Motion: Once You Start Moving an Audience, You Have to Keep It Moving

Once you’ve guided an audience member into the buyer’s journey, it’s crucial to keep them engaged and progressing through the various stages of the journey. Creating smooth transitions between audience-building and sales-focused content can help maintain momentum and prevent audience fatigue.

For example, a global enterprise B2B software company shifted its content strategy from sales-focused messaging to thought leadership content aimed at nurturing relationships with cold leads. This shift resulted in increased engagement, data collection, and ultimately, conversions from previously disengaged audiences.

3. Law of Audience Motion: The Longer an Audience Member Stays Engaged, the More Likely They Are to Purchase

Engaging audiences over the long term can significantly impact their likelihood of making a purchase. By establishing trust and delivering valuable content consistently, companies can position themselves as valuable resources in the eyes of their audience members.

For instance, an enterprise software company focused on long buying cycles leveraged its thought leadership platform to build a loyal audience base. Over time, a significant portion of their leads came from subscribers to this platform, demonstrating the power of audience engagement in driving conversions.

Balancing Moving and Building Audiences

To maximize the value of content gating and audience engagement efforts, marketers should strive to strike a balance between moving audiences through the buyer’s journey and building long-term audience relationships. By measuring the impact of both approaches and aligning them with business goals, companies can create a cohesive strategy that leverages the strengths of each.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a unified audience base that consists of both customers and engaged audience members. By focusing on delivering value consistently, keeping audiences moving through the buyer’s journey, and nurturing long-term relationships, companies can cultivate a loyal and valuable audience asset that drives sustainable growth.

In conclusion, the debate over content gating in 2024 reflects the ongoing evolution of B2B content marketing. By understanding the nuances of audience motion, balancing moving and building audiences, and aligning content strategies with business goals, marketers can navigate the complexities of content gating and drive meaningful results in a competitive landscape.