Correspondent in Moscow
The arrests and the sentences of detention imposed for years, the opponent Russian Alexei Navalny have the aim “to stifle political pluralism” in the country and to “muzzle the opposition”. It is very believed that the european Court of human rights has condemned Thursday by the Russian authorities, dealing a severe blow to the Kremlin. For the first time since the accession to power of Vladimir Putin, the judges of Strasbourg accolent in black and white in their expected the word “policy” in a case involving a Russian dissident. It is “the fundamental aspect” of the appeal lodged by the anti-corruption crusader against the government, ” continues the court in this judgment which is not subject to appeal.
“The government is crushed. Hooray!” was immediately praised Navalny in a tweet. Present in front of the press in Strasbourg, the latter has also welcomed a decision that has an “enormous value to the very many people who undergo arrests every day in Russia”. The government is particularly ordered to make to Alexey Navalny 50,000 euros for non-pecuniary damage, as well as 1 025 € for material damage. Neither the Kremlin, nor any official Russian issued Thursday, the slightest comment.
repeated Violations
The nemesis of Vladimir Putin, the president never mentions the name in public, was arrested seven times between 2012 and 2014. He had been imprisoned on two occasions, respectively, during the seven and fifteen days for participating in rallies and protests repressed by the forces of law and order. This is the period that had followed the election for a third term of Vladimir Putin, itself marked by many popular gatherings hostile to the Kremlin and a tightening of the legislation on public gatherings.
” READ ALSO – as Soon as released, Navalny sentenced to 20 additional days of jail
in The spring of 2018, the ECHR, referred to by Navalny, had already condemned the repeated violations of the Russian “freedom of assembly” and the principle of a “fair trial”, without, however, recognizing motivation as “political”. “The probability that they have occurred without political motive is too low to meet a dinosaur in the precincts of the Court and that Vladimir Putin will lose the presidential elections. And this second hypothesis is also unlikely that the first”, were countered with irony this lawyer, present at the time of the hearing. Just as the Russian government, he had appealed the decision, leading the Court, Thursday, to perform in his favor in a turn legal to 180 degrees.
The judges “expect governments to exercise a degree of tolerance towards peaceful assemblies even if they are not allowed,” says the european jurisdiction, while several thousands of arrests have been recorded in recent months. On 6 November, the Duma passed a new amendment providing for a fine of 50,000 rubles (66 euros) or a sentence of imprisonment of 15 days, to any person calling them “miners” to participate in an unauthorized demonstration. The heads of families who, repeatedly, allow their adolescents to participate in such gatherings should be deprived of their parental authority, recently suggested by the deputy pro-Kremlin, Sergei Vostretsov. This proposal relates particularly to the meetings of Alexey Navalny, who are systematically banned by the Russian authorities, but remain very popular with the urban youth.
The chief of the national guard of Russian causes in a duel Alexei Navalny – Watching on Figaro Live