
New York City Mayor Adams went to great lengths to calm down Lamor Whitehead, a former convict turned pastor, as they exchanged text messages over several years. These messages were recently obtained by the Daily News and shed light on the relationship between the two men.

The texts revealed that Whitehead often sought financial and political help from Mayor Adams, even going as far as criticizing the mayor’s top adviser, Ingrid Lewis-Martin. In one message, Adams reprimanded both Whitehead and Lewis-Martin for their immaturity and urged them to resolve their differences.

While Adams publicly praised Lewis-Martin, he privately tried to appease Whitehead, who felt sidelined in his efforts to profit from a Brooklyn concert series. Despite his efforts to help Whitehead navigate the political landscape, Adams made it clear that Whitehead was not his chosen candidate for Borough President.

As Whitehead faced legal troubles and was eventually convicted of fraud, Adams distanced himself from the pastor, refusing to meet with him and cutting off regular communication. The mayor’s spokesperson emphasized that the texts were specific to certain incidents and did not reflect Adams’ true feelings towards Lewis-Martin.

Whitehead, who is currently in jail awaiting sentencing, did not respond to requests for comment. The messages exchanged between him and Mayor Adams paint a complex picture of a relationship that started as a mentorship but soured over time due to Whitehead’s legal troubles and demands for support.

Despite their differences, the text messages between Mayor Adams and Lamor Whitehead offer a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes efforts to manage a challenging relationship and navigate the complexities of politics and personal connections.