Fans of Tesla and also owner of the Tesla shares are ecstatic: for the First time in two years, the E-car pioneer has completed a quarter in the black. CEO Elon Musk had promised the profit already months ago, but the doubts were, from the beginning, and they were given his recent antics, not less. If Musk can convince the skeptics permanently, you must show, in spite of the strong results in the first place. But for the time being, the last sharply criticized the Tech billionaire may enjoy a Moment of triumph.
It was a “truly historic quarter” for Tesla, wrote Musk in a letter to shareholders, presented on Wednesday after US stock exchange conclusion. The bottom line is a Surplus of $ 312 million. It is the highest, but also only the third quarterly profit since Tesla’s IPO in 2010.
launch of the Model 3 of Tesla with great difficulty