Tag: to

The key is not to collect more taxes and to rehabilitate the market. The new head of the FNS on the purposes of the tax

The key is not to collect more taxes and to rehabilitate the market. The...

Egorov brings to the job a "selfish" approach and explains why this benefits the business
What is necessary for students from universities in the twenty-first century

What is necessary for students from universities in the twenty-first century

Young people enrolled in universities to solve one of five challenges
Aeroflot contrary to the recommendations of the Federal air transport Agency continues to fly over Iran

Aeroflot contrary to the recommendations of the Federal air transport Agency continues to fly...

Flight flyby of this country to Dubai will last an hour and a half longer
The sales of new year tours have escaped Turkey

The sales of new year tours have escaped Turkey

Tour operators said the growth in the demand for holiday tours of up to 50%
The crash of two Boeing 737 Max led the major aircraft manufacturer to the crisis

The crash of two Boeing 737 Max led the major aircraft manufacturer to the...

The prospect of returning to flight and aircraft production unclear
Why business bad helps solve the problems of mankind

Why business bad helps solve the problems of mankind

And how to involve in the fight against poverty, hunger, unemployment and social inequality
What to expect investors from the assets of Russia and emerging markets in 2020

What to expect investors from the assets of Russia and emerging markets in 2020

Closed if the window of opportunity to buy Russian debt and what strategies are winning
Football debts, cannabis: what you can earn in 2020

Football debts, cannabis: what you can earn in 2020

Analysts shared with the "statements" investment ideas for the coming year
Putin submitted a bill to mitigate tax risks for business

Putin submitted a bill to mitigate tax risks for business

At the same time he proposed to limit the use of business articles about organized crime

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30 Examples of Circumlocution to Improve Your Writing in 2024

Exploring Circumlocution Examples to Enhance Your Writing SkillsCircumlocution is a powerful literary technique that adds depth and creativity to your writing. By using indirect...