
Are you worried that writing longer blog posts will take too much time? Don’t fret! With a better approach to writing, you can speed up your writing process and create longer, more authoritative blog posts effortlessly.

To help you with this, here are 8 tips for writing longer posts faster:

1. **Know the topic before you begin:** Before you start writing, have a clear idea of the topic you will be covering in your blog post. Prepare a title and a brief description of the primary topic to stay on track.

2. **Craft a rough outline:** Make a rough outline of how you envision the structure of your article. Use bullet points and subheadings to organize your thoughts.

3. **Research the topic:** Conduct thorough research on the topic you’re writing about. Collect all your research in a separate document to refer to while writing.

4. **Craft a final outline:** Create a detailed outline for your blog post, breaking it down into different headings and filling in each section with your research.

5. **Write the body section first:** Start by writing the main body of your post before working on the introduction and conclusion. Refer to your outline and research document as you write.

6. **Add placeholders for images:** Instead of creating images while writing, add placeholders for where you want to include images in your post. You can work on them during the editing phase.

7. **Add placeholders for internal links:** Highlight text where you want to add internal links and do it during the editing phase to avoid disruptions in your writing flow.

8. **Write the introduction and conclusion last:** Save the introduction and conclusion for the end to streamline the writing process. This will help you wrap up your post effectively.

Bonus tip: Optimize your writing environment by minimizing distractions and creating a conducive space for focused writing.

Remember, once you finish writing your post, it’s essential to edit it thoroughly, add images, and internal links. By following these tips, you can write longer posts faster and more efficiently. Happy writing!