Phishing remains one of the most successful ways to login and bankdata to get hold of. Nepmails even for the trained eye is sometimes difficult to distinguish from authentic, nevertheless, there are a number of points which you phishing can recognize.

Phishing is a method where cyber criminals mainly with the nepmailtjes angling to personal data, such as login and bank account details. A simple but effective form of fraud, which on the basis of a number of characteristics to recognize and avoid.

1. Check the e-mail address

Often betrayed even the most convincing phishing emails to themselves with the address. Please note that most services and apps for e-mail the full name of the sender. Since the sender can fill in what he wants, then why always to the actual e-mail address.

The address is often two ways to to recognize. The easiest case is a striking address as or It is also often tried an existing address to imitate.

So send ING, for example, messages via A phishing email that pretends to be a mail of the ING, for example, from Note the text after the @: there is at the fraudulent address a point in between. Mail ING is always a @grade selected nl address.

Nevertheless, it is also possible to have a phishingmail from a seemingly legitimate address, or even your own address.

2. Do not click on links, enter no information

Phishing emails would like information in people mobilizing or let them click through to a website, often a fake version of a well-known login page. Click why not just click on links in messages and don’t give out personal information via the mail. Especially when it comes to messages, for example, the bank, creditcardaanbieder, government or social media seem to come.

Banks and the government to stop for the security, for example, no links in their e-mail and also ask not to disclose personal information. If there is one message for which you need to log in, you must go to the right address in your web browser. That is much safer, since you have the control over which address you visit.

if you Want to click on a link, check it. On pc’s you can the mouse pointer is over a link up to the address to view. On smartphones and tablets that works by the link, press and hold.

Go to the link that you expected? He, for example, really to, or to See the address is suspicious, for example, long strings of characters, then do not.

3. Note on language

Phishing emails are often sloppily written and contain typos, translation errors, spatiefouten or unusual use of language. Also, the design of the mail is often not as cared for as that of genuine emails from banks, for example, and the government.

Also know agencies are often your name, while phishers a net to cast. If you name in the salutation, this provokes also some more confidence than a general ‘dear sir/madam’.

however, There are also very convincing and not really to distinguish phishing emails in circulation, where even your own name above. Here also, therefore, to look to more than one attribute.

4. Download and open any strange files

If a file gets sent from a sender you do not know, download that then not just. The file may contain malware, that upon opening can be installed. Open Windows-not just the files .exe end, and on the Mac files .dmg: that are installation files.

Open, especially not files that end in .js, .ink, .wsf, .scr, or .jar. Those files contain scripts that click will be executed automatically.

5. When in doubt: check

On the site all known phishing emails are tracked. With that overview, you can check whether a suspicious mail is indeed phishing.

If you are sure that you with malware, do not throw the mail away. You can also report the message: above all, often imitated institutions like banks and the government have an interest in what phishing, there around.