Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that as head of state he is obliged to stay connected around the clock. He told about it in the film “Russia. The Kremlin. Putin”, a fragment of which was published by the journalist of VGTRK Pavel Zarubin on his page in Instagram.
“the Head of state needs to be always connected, always on all night. It’s just a duty,” — said the Russian leader.
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on Sunday At 22.00 in the film “Russia.The Kremlin.Putin” #moscatelli #poltaranin #24 #tvrussia #Russia1
Putin Also said that feels very comfortable in the environment of ordinary people. “It is to some extent my environment because I come from a very simple working family,” said the President.
See the film “Russia. The Kremlin. Putin” on Sunday, 21 June at 22:00 on TV channel “Russia 1”. The President made an exception and showed the “secret room” which is next to his Kremlin office. He also spoke about the rings from grandchildren and tough conversations with subordinates.