Slugs are a big problem for gardeners – they just love to attack plants. To prevent snails from getting lost in your garden, you should pay attention to a few things.

Slugs and slugs in the garden are often difficult to get rid of and can cause significant damage to many plants.

In order to effectively drive away the pests, the Agricultural Industry Association (IVA) advises snail control: as much as necessary and as little as possible.

If you only have a small infestation, you can collect the animals by hand or install snail fences and copper tape barriers around certain beds.

If the snail infestation is more severe, the experts recommend combining different control methods. For example, it is a hindrance to the snails if the garden is watered in the morning instead of in the evening. The animals need moist soil in the evening hours in order to be able to move around.

Nesting opportunities for blackbirds, starlings and magpies also protect snails, as they are among their natural enemies. The same applies to hedgehogs, who find shelter in piles of leaves.

In addition, you should only loosen your beds after the first frosts in order to destroy the snail brood that has overwintered there, and always remove weeds and only mulch them thinly in summer, for example with dried leaves and straw.

If you can’t control a snail plague with these measures, you can use molluscicides – also known as snail pellets or snail lenses. These remedies kill the snails. The IVA refers to studies that show that these products do not harm other animals such as hedgehogs, birds or earthworms.

However, they should only be dosed in moderation and according to instructions. You should not pile up slug pellets and store opened packaging away from children and pets.

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