
The Florida Panthers are on the verge of potentially winning the Stanley Cup, a dream that money can’t buy. Players like Kyle Okposo and Oliver Ekman-Larsson are excited about the opportunity after facing challenges in the past. However, beyond the glory of winning the Cup, there is a significant financial incentive for the players. The winning team stands to receive $2,758,125 more from the league’s playoff fund compared to the losing team.

The distribution of this money is up to each team’s leadership, and it is not a topic openly discussed among the players. While some details remain confidential, it is known that the NHLPA negotiated to increase the playoff fund to $22 million in 2020. If the Panthers win the Cup, they are in line to receive $6,539,375 from this fund. The breakdown of the distribution shows that each player could potentially receive over $242,000 if the team secures 27 full shares.

The process of dividing the playoff money varies among teams, with some awarding partial shares to players who didn’t play in every game or rookies who joined the team mid-season. The NHLPA allows each team’s leadership to decide how to distribute the funds. Despite the financial reward, winning the Stanley Cup doesn’t bring as much financial gain to players as championships in other professional sports leagues.

For example, NFL players received $338,000 each after winning the Super Bowl, while MLB players earned $506,263 per full postseason share when the Texas Rangers won the World Series. NBA players could potentially receive over $800,000 each if their team wins the Finals. The playoff money not only serves as a reward for players but also helps cover the additional expenses that come with an extended postseason run.

One former Stanley Cup champion mentioned that he received $150,000 after winning, which barely covered the costs of tickets and flights for family and friends. While the financial aspect is important, the ultimate goal for these players remains lifting the Stanley Cup and etching their names in hockey history. The financial reward is a bonus that recognizes their hard work and dedication throughout the season.