the Russian Government approved the action plan to implement the new food security doctrine of the country, said Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin on Monday at a meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers.
“Signed the action plan for the implementation of new food security doctrine, the President approved it in late January of this year — said Mishustin. – We have developed a document that contains a set of solutions to perform inherent in the doctrine task”.
Signed in January 2020, the Russian President, the document makes the priority of the self, and sets the task to increase export of food and agricultural products over imports. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 2010, which confirmed the previous doctrine is abrogated. The new document comes into force from the day of its signing.
the New doctrine suggests that the country’s food security is the state of its socio — economic development, which ensures food independence of Russia. In addition, the document ensures the physical and economic accessibility for every citizen of the country of food products to meet the mandatory requirements, in amounts not less rational consumption norms necessary for an active and healthy lifestyle.
food independence implies self-sufficiency of the country the main types of domestic agricultural products, raw materials and food, and affordability — ability to purchase food products of proper quality at prevailing prices, in volumes and assortment, which correspond to the recommended rational norms of consumption.
the new doctrine, signed by Putin, has changed the approach to assessment of food security. In the previous version of the criterion used the proportion of domestic products in the total volume of commodity resources of the internal market taking into account the carryover stocks. Now pProdovolstvennaya independence will be determined as the level of self-sufficiency. It will be calculated as the ratio of domestic production to the volume of its domestic consumption.
For each product group has a separate threshold. Thus, the level of self-sufficiency for the grain — at least 95%, sugar — not less than 90%, vegetable oil — at least 90%, for meat and meat products — not less than 85%, milk and dairy products — not less than 90%, for fish and ryboprodukt — at least 85%, potatoes — not less than 95%, vegetables and melons — at least 90%, fruit and berries — not less than 60%, seeds of the main agricultural crops of native selection — at least 75%, for salt — at least 85%.
Export task
in addition, Vladimir Putin signed the document sets the task to achieve excess export of foodstuffs and agricultural raw materials from Russia over imports. Among the main tasks indicated “achieving a positive trade balance of agricultural products, raw materials and food”.
this doctrine assumes that the implementation of the export potential should be based on the priority of self-sustainment of the country’s domestic agricultural products and products, as well as the need to ensure food security within the EEU.
the EEU Countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan) need to create new production facilities that will ensure food security of the EEU and the production of commodities, said 19 may 2020, President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian economic Council.
the EEU Countries consider adoption of the draft “Strategic directions of development of the Eurasian integration up to 2025”. The strategy provides for the setting up of joint projects in vysokoproizvoditeltive industries, lays the Foundation for acceleration of import substitution, localization of production and promotion of joint projects with high integration efficiency, Putin said.
the EEU Countries need to create new production capacities, ensure food security, production of essential commodities and other important items, said Putin.