Lukashenko complained about the "small bluff and deception"

the President of Belarus confirmed their intention to form a new government before presidential elections scheduled for 9 August. However, some of the nuances associated with the election campaign, Alexander Lukashenko, called the “bluff and deception.”

Earlier, former Belarusian banker Victor Babariko said that he allegedly offered the post of Prime Minister in exchange for his refusal to participate in the upcoming elections. Lukashenka commented on the information in the following way. According to him, people are taught from childhood not to lie, and “the banker” to think where he will work after the elections. Alexander G. said that no one and offered nothing, especially Babariko. “What experience have him to be Prime Minister”, — said the President, calling the incident “small bluff and deception”, BelTA reports.

Lukashenka explained the reasons of his intention to form a new government. The President of Belarus wants citizens to see and understand who are the people that work in key positions.

About the upcoming changes Alexander Lukashenko said on may 25. However, he noted that most of the current members of the government will remain in their posts.

Lukashenko became President of Belarus in 1994. Since then, he is a constant leader state. If this year Alexander Lukashenko re-elected, he will enter the sixth term.