In the German city of Gelsenkirchen (Federal state of North Rhine — Westphalia) is a monument to Vladimir Lenin. The monument to the leader of the world proletariat appeared before in Gelsenkirchen headquarters of the extreme left Marxist-Leninist party of Germany (mlpg).
Against the installation of more than two-meter high monument cast in Czechoslovakia in 1957, argued city government. However, their ban on the installation of the monument was successfully appealed by the party to the Higher administrative court for North Rhine — Westphalia.
Now the city authorities rely on propaganda and education, according to Focus. Municipality launches online video project under the hashtag #keinplatzfuerlenin (“Lenin is not a place”), where experts will comment the installation of the monument. The city intends to publish content in social networks to stimulate further discussion and exchange of arguments. Friday, June 19, in located in Gelsenkirchen, castle Horst, an exhibition on the history of communism.
the Chairman mlpg Gaby Fechtner called Lenin “the outstanding thinker of world-historical importance and a fighter for freedom and democracy for the masses”, reports TASS. At the opening ceremony of the monument was attended by over 300 guests.