Dimitris Avramopoulos is the european commissioner for home Affairs, responsible for migration policy of the EU. A member of the New Democracy party, he was minister of foreign Affairs in Greece.
LE FIGARO. – Since the migration crisis, France has, in spite of the Schengen area, restored controls at several of its frontiers. Are you asking Paris to stop them?
Dimitris AVRAMOPOULOS. – I would like to say that we are counting a lot on France to manage migration and to strengthen even more our security policy. On internal borders, I understand. France has its own concerns about security, such as Germany or Austria. But this situation cannot be permanent. If the Schengen area, one of the pillars of the european integration is weakened, it will be the beginning of the end of Europe. Instead of reintroducing the internal controls, I propose to strengthen police controls and cooperation.
Cepe …
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