Died artistic Director of "Sovremennik" Galina Volchek

In Moscow on 87 th year of life died people’s artist of USSR, art Director of theater “Contemporary” Galina Volchek, is spoken in the message of the theatre. A visitation will be held on December 29, said the theater.

Tuesday, December 24, Director of “the Contemporary” Igor Popov has informed “RIA Novosti”, Volchek was urgently hospitalized with bilateral pneumonia. Other details of the health of the artistic Director he had not. In turn, head of the literary part of the theater Evgeny Kuznetsov told TASS that Volchek was taken to the Botkin hospital “due to issues with light”. Later TASS, citing a source said that Vouchak hooked up to a ventilator. “At least a week the lung,” – said the source.

the official website of “Contemporary”, it was reported that Volchek hospitalized due to a lung disease. “According to doctors, the situation is stable”, – was specified in the message of the theatre.

Previously, on December 19, Volchek said birthday, she turned 86 years old. Volchek was born in 1933 in Moscow into the family of the famous Director and cameraman Boris Volchek and screenwriter of Faith Miminal. She graduated from the school-Studio to them. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow art theatre. Gorky. Volchek studied under the honoured artist of the RSFSR Alexander Karev.

a year after graduating together with Oleg Efremov and other graduates, she participated in the creation of a theatrical Studio, which later became the theater “Contemporary”. In 1972, two years after the departure of Ephraim from the theater, the troupe chose Volchek, artistic Director of “Sovremennik” theatre. In 1989 she received the title of people’s artist of the USSR. And full cavalier of the order “For merits before Fatherland”, winner of the State prize of the USSR (1967) and the award of the President of Russia (2002). In 2017, President Vladimir Putin awarded Volchek the title of Hero of labor.

During the tenure of artistic Director of the “Contemporary” Volchek has directed over 30 productions on the works of Russian and foreign classics. She also starred in more than 20 films. She is known to audiences for his roles in such films as “don Quixote” (1957, Maritornes), “Beware of the car” (1966, shopper tape recorder), “King Lear” (1970, Regan), “little Red riding Hood” (1977, Wolf), “Autumn marathon” (1977, Varvara Nikitichna).

Volchek was married twice, her first husband was the actor Evgeni Evstigneev, second – doctor of technical Sciences, laureate of state prize of the USSR mark Abelev. Married to Evstigneev from Volchek, a son, Denis.