You don’t own funds and need a bank loan to complete your financing ? Please do not hesitate to ask for a guarantee from Bpifrance and France Active, two organizations specializing in bank guarantees. Their devices cover a part of the amount of loans granted by banks and to facilitate the granting of bank finance.
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Guarantee the Creation of Bpifrance
It is aimed at companies less than three years and target the creators, who launch their business (franchise, business, start-up, etc…), across all sectors. It guarantees to the tune of 50% to 70% the amount of bank loans and covers the tangible and intangible investments, the purchase of a business, the need for working capital, the acquisition of patents… “A creator can mobilize several times our guarantee, from the moment where his firm has less than three years,” says François-Xavier Willot, head of collateral management at Bpifrance.
in practical terms, for loans of less than 200 000 euros, the banks may decide themselves whether to grant a loan “creation” with the guarantee of Bpifrance. “We have agreements with all the banks. If the project is validated, the financing agreement is automatically triggered by the banks. This avoids the need for creators to expect too much,” explains for his part Arnaud Caudoux, executive director in charge of finance at Bpifrance.
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In excess of 200 000 euros, the bank is seeking Bpifrance on a case-by-case basis for an agreement of guarantee, capped at 60% and within the limit of 1 million euros of risk by borrower.
In 2017, 38 000 guarantees creation of Bpifrance were granted, compared to 36,000 in 2016 and to 35 000 in 2015. “It is a tool of mass : our guarantee allows you to trigger the loan agreement”, insists Arnaud Caudoux.
Guarantee Employment of France Active
France Active, a network specialized in the support to vulnerable groups (job seekers, beneficiaries of minimum social benefits, people under 26 years old…), has completely redesigned its devices safeguards in 2017. It now provides creators with job seekers with the “guaranteed Job” that covers up to 65 % of the amount of bank loan intended to cover investments, working capital requirements… “and The securities personal are now limited to 50 % of the loan amount. We still want to increase this rate because we want to better protect entrepreneurs,” said Fanny Gerome, director of development at France Active.
To obtain the guaranteed Employment, it is necessary to contact a local agency France Active. A counselor will support you in your financial strategy and your relationship with the bank.
note : the network also offers a warranty Impact (social enterprises and solidarity) and a guarantee of Solidarity (integration through economic activity).
In 2017, the France Active has granted a total of 7 150 guarantees.
Guarantee Equality Woman
This is the new name of the FGIF (guarantee fund at the initiative of the women) since march 2018. Here, too, entirely redesigned by France Active, the guarantee covers up to 80 % of the amount of bank lending, and, now, no personal guarantee is required. It is intended for women unemployed or in a precarious situation who want to create or take over a business, and irrespective of the legal form of the enterprise and its sector of activity. The recipient business must have been created or taken for less than three years.
The guarantee can reach up to 50 000 € guarantee amount. The loan must finance investments and/or the need of working capital. It has a minimum duration of 24 months, and may be of any amount.
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Aid to business creation
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By 2017, more than 2000 guarantees women have been granted and the average amount of the guarantee amounted to 20 € 275. “Our goal is to increase 10 % per year the number of beneficiaries,” concludes Fanny Gerome.