Airbnb deletes properties in the West Bank. And provides a justification that could be the start of something Big.
Not on Airbnb listed: number of homes in an Israeli settlement in the West Bank photo: Reuters
The Online housing intermediary, Airbnb finally solves the problems of the world. In the future, he wants to convey no more apartments in the territories occupied by Israel in the West Bank. The Israeli settlements were “the core of the dispute between the Israelis and the Palestinians”. To clear well, the because one or the other confused soul was, as yet, of the view that the core of the dispute was not, perhaps, that the Palestinians, the existence acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.
Sleeping so not at the Jews, especially since it is out there anyway so ugly rumbles and thunders, because some of the Palestinians do not lead this debate, traditionally, like with missiles or suicide bombers – what is sleep good for a relaxing night, since Airbnb has a degree of responsibility for its customers.
Airbnb refers to “many in the global community,” the my, “and that companies should not make the country Profit from the people have been displaced”. A very nice idea, and will pursue Airbnb, hopefully, consistently. The West Bank can only be a beginning!
Much more Profit in Airbnb makes, for example, in German cities, and also on Land, before people were displaced. Even twice: First to the Jews, paying attention to their Deportation or escape (you,!, sometimes even after Israel devious has left) so some of the later hip apartment.
all the inhabitants of the cities, find no living room any more, because the God in each hallway is damn long already, a couple of Airbnb-couch surfer lounging around, so uncool Locals who don’t want to pay for any reason per bed per night, is unfortunately, no more space. In any case, many believe in the global community, Airbnb is in European inner cities, the core of the conflict between tourists and Locals. The apartments are listed there, too, could soon restore social peace.
tourists could escape to Gaza. In the friendly Hamas-strip Airbnb arranges accommodation continue to be very happy.