
Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin signed the law on the experiment on the organization and implementation of remote e-voting.
The American leader Donald trump said that the US sever all ties with who
The warm days are here. The best prerequisite for lacing up your sports shoes again. But what if moving is still difficult? This way you can really get started again and these sports are best suited for this.A healthy...
The experts at Stiftung Warentest regularly test a wide variety of foods. Some of them are anything but recommendable: they are full of harmful substances and have a negative effect on our health. We'll tell you exactly what you...
After the million-euro drill robbery in Emmerich, no one heard from the investigators for a long time. Now they present four arrests. But there is no information about the million-dollar booty. Other questions are also open.The burglary went like...
Former national security Advisor to the U.S. Susan rice saw a Russian footprint in American riots. According to her, it is likely that demonstrators incite some Russian trolls. Any evidence of rice failed. Insights, as she admitted, made exclusively from personal experience.
Russia seems to be approaching the next phase of the epidemic in the early stages, when the growth rate of new confirmed cases is becoming less and less.
Former tennis player Boris Becker was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for bankruptcy offenses at the end of April. Now it has become known that he does not want to appeal.Tennis idol Boris Becker has...
A new disease is turning wildlife in the United States into “zombies.” Until now, transmission to humans was considered unlikely. But now scientists are presenting disturbing evidence that calls this assumption into question.The mysterious chronic wasting disease (CWD), which...
In the United States against an aggressive audience, instigators and provocateurs used batons and rubber bullets in the worst case - shooting combat. In Russia, the "progressive fighters against the regime" very reserved condemn American police. While the Russian police for action to stop the unrest almost ready to Lynch.

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