
The Russian government will direct more than 4 billion rubles for the creation of temporary jobs, said Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.
To identify and punish those responsible for the leaking of false information about the alleged Russia's ties with Afghan militants called on U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo. He declared it in interview to TV channel Fox News.
Sweden is investigating its own controversial approach to combating the pandemic coronavirus. The government has formed a special Commission. She will appreciate the steps taken by the authorities to contain the virus. The verdict should be submitted in February 2022.
The Parliament of Montenegro legalized in the country same-sex marriages. The vote took place the day before. The adoption of the law in favor of half of the deputies, five voted against.
Voting on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation will put an end to attempts from abroad to tear off a piece of Russia. This was stated by our Ambassador to the USA Anatoly Antonov on the results of voting in the diplomatic mission.
Amendments to the Constitution of Russia has supported more than 78 percent of voters - are the preliminary results announced in the CEC, where he was treated for over 99 percent of the protocols. While turnout reached 65 percent.
Washington should immediately impose sanctions against Russia because of the information about the alleged Moscow's involvement in attacks on American troops in Afghanistan. This was stated by the speaker of the house of representatives, Nancy Pelosi.
The CEC at noon will present the outcome of voting on amendments to the Constitution. Left handle less than five percent of the protocols. According to preliminary data, the vast majority of Russians supported the amendments to the main law of the country.
The Central election Commission at noon today will open an information center will present the preliminary results of voting on amendments to the Constitution. Already, 70 percent of the processed protocols.
A few thousand false statements about voting on the amendments to the Constitution for the month showed the Public chamber of Russia. To create some false news were forged official documents were used by the actors. As a lie is distinguished from truth?

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