
The North Atlantic Council of NATO on Friday, may 22, will hold an emergency meeting to discuss the situation with the US decision to withdraw from the Treaty on open skies.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel wearing a mask with the logo of the presidency of Germany in EU Council, the Mobius strip, painted in blue color interspersed with the colors of the flag of Germany. Earlier, the journalists asked her why she never appeared in public in a mask, although she to it regularly calls upon citizens.
Rapper Kanye West is married to reality star Kim Kardashian, has faced technical difficulties while trying to nominate his candidacy for President of the United States.
The presidents of Russia and Belarus Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko, and in 2021 will take part in the international project "the memory Garden" - the two leaders planted trees in memory of the defenders of the Brest fortress. About it it is told in the story in the TV channel "Russia 1".
For a long time, people wondered why the ancient Egyptians built their legendary pyramids in the wasteland of the desert. A team of researchers has now found an answer to this question.The legendary Pyramids of Giza, these ancient masterpieces...
Fullscreen again and again. Janet Armstrong (Claire Foy) to the heads of NASA to assert ©(c)Universal Pictures On 21 July 1969 entered Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) as the first human to the moon. In "awakening the moon"...
The sky, air force one, mount Rushmore - embodied the picture of American patriotism. Sculptor John Gutzon Borglum chose her main characters - Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt.
The President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky points out that Ukraine "no one can demand anything in the international arena". Speaking at a briefing during a working trip to Odessa region, he noted that Ukraine is an independent state and to require the adoption of the law on "special status of Donbass" is impossible.
In the President's Administration is not discussing the idea about how to make July 1 a holiday. This was stated press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. Also in the Kremlin is not discussing the possibility of moving the single voting day in September at a later date. "I know nothing about it", — said Peskov.
Iran sued the United States in the international court of justice due to the impact of us sanctions to combat coronavirus.

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