
At the beginning of July, eleven people died when a glacier broke off in the Dolomites. A new fissure has now been discovered on the Marmolada.After the deadly glacier accident on the Marmolada in northern Italy, another demolition threatened...
The United States is still in the shock of the shooting spree at a Texas elementary school. A few days later, another gunman opened fire in Oklahoma - this time in a hospital.Just over a week after the massacre...
How long is the braking distance? That's one of the 20 questions asked of 3,500 drivers in an ADAC test. However, not all participants answered correctly.Most German drivers have massive gaps when it comes to traffic knowledge. In a...
He helped murder more than 3500 people. The Neuruppin district court has sentenced a 101-year-old former guard of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp to five years in prison.The Neuruppin district court sentenced a 101-year-old former guard at the Sachsenhausen concentration...
After the fatal glacier fall in the Italian Dolomites, 13 people are still missing. The search in difficult terrain continues with drones and helicopters.After the glacier and avalanche accident in the Dolomites, the search for other victims has continued...
The President of the United States Donald trump plans to invite Australia, India, South Korea and Russia to join the upcoming meeting of the group of seven (G7), which led to the emergence of rumors that he is trying to form a bloc to counter China, reports South China Morning Post.
In search of the secret to a long life, nutritionist Malte Rubach came across the inhabitants of the Japanese island of Okinawa. An above-average number of centenarians live here. From them, Rubach learned about special eating habits and regional...
Getting enough good sleep is important for health. But what exactly does healthy sleep look like and how can you achieve it? Find out here why one sleep phase at night is particularly important.There are many rules for a...
An orangutan has successfully treated a wound on its face with chewed leaves of a medicinal plant. It is the first time that a wild animal has been observed doing this.From time to time, scientists observe wild animals eating,...

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