
Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder rejects Changes to the fundamental right to asylum. "For me, the individual fundamental right to asylum is inviolable," said the CSU politician of the world on Sunday. With a view to the...
Rarely, the EU stand together, United as the Brexit. Even Spain, on the last meters because of Gibraltar's cross, could still be captured. That this Europe, the stubbornness, lack of transparency and bureaucracy is accused of, has...
to work With a Valet service, is certainly no picnic. In the case of the paid Parking services, you can move a sled all day in luxury, but only on the shortest routes. And then, there's the...
In the debate about the future of the basic backup Hartz IV, has expressed the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) is against a fundamental restructuring. "Money without consideration, contrary to my image of a social...
The traditional "house of slaughter" without a doubt belongs to the culinary heritage of the Vogelsberg. The battle festivals used to be not only the occasion to the dining chambers to fill, but also have always...
Shocking findings has just made the German Red cross in a survey. In four of the five operations, the so-called emergency lane is blocked, the equivalent of 80 percent of all bets. The can cost. This is...
Bavarian Couture is known to you? The fashion Label from Schwabhausen, Landkreis Dachau, visited a few weeks ago as a Sponsor the twelve-tz-Oktoberfest girls-finalists - with a bit of other Hoodies, T-Shirts, caps and pants. Prints such as "Habedere",...
Vaterstetten – to address this Problem, would be "affordable" housing for fire service senior a good solution, adds commander Julian Kuhn. The average age of the forces for 27 years, Hasenöhrl calculates. "This is the time they start families."...
Mireille, Robert, mp LREM of the Aude, has been the victim of a violent action of yellow Vests. She denounces on Twitter the intrusion of several dozen individuals on his property on the night of Friday, November...
Tutzing - Because of a potentially dangerous discovery, the police had to clear on Saturday in Tutzing apartment and shut off. Members cleared the apartment, because the grandma recently died. They were of various ammunition, a hand grenade, announced...

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