
The United States blocked a Russian draft statement of the UN security Council to the press, urging them to respect the sovereignty of Venezuela. This Twitter was announced by first Deputy permanent representative Dmitry Polyansky.
In the upper house of the Russian Parliament has proposed to legislate the concept of "self-isolation", to determine the order of the introduction of such a regime and the powers of the regions in this area. The relevant initiative was put forward by the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation.
Coronavirus pandemic has radically affected the whole world, and now countries will have to develop a new behavior model, said Deputy Chairman of the security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.
Reason for delayed payment to physicians for working with patients with coronavirus there. This was stated by Mikhail Mishustin at the government meeting. He stressed that payments are made by the very fact of working with coronavirus patients, but not from the calculation of days and hours.
There is no doubt that the voice in a controversial recording is owned by ex-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, and the machinations of the Kremlin blame will not work. But most important, this film demonstrates once again the crimes of Poroshenko. This opinion was expressed on air "60 minutes" the people's Deputy of Ukraine faction "Opposition bloc" Mikhail Dobkin.
The United States out of the Treaty on open skies. The administration of President Donald trump urged international partners.
The President of the United States Donald trump announced the withdrawal of the United States from the Treaty on open skies. This document provides the right of States parties to conduct overflights of the territory to monitor military activities.
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