
Queen Elizabeth II has ruled the United Kingdom for 70 years. For the platinum anniversary, the monarch is now being celebrated by her people. Visitors come from the USA - and that fuels rumours.A country is celebrating its queen...
The turnout on the online voting on amendments to the Constitution reached 50,94 per cent. This was announced by Deputy Chairman of the Public chamber of Moscow Alexei Venediktov. "Crossed the equator (606 electors)", - he noted.
If you want to lose weight healthily and stay slim, nutritionist Matthias Riedl recommends a “species-appropriate diet”. He lists the six most important rules – and explains how you can easily integrate them into your everyday life.Colon cancer is...
13.00, from Saardom the victims floor of the Church of the Holy sacrament. The victim stick, which was fixed with a metal frame on a steel plate, was taken as a Whole. Witnesses area asked to be...
The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov said that the refusal of the representatives of Ukraine and several Western countries from participation in the meeting of the UN security Council on the situation in Crimea, is that "the truth hurts". About this he wrote on his page "Vkontakte".
The Ukrainian authorities do not react on requests of the representatives of the republics of Donbass and amplify the attacks. This was after an extraordinary meeting of the Contact group, said Russian envoy Boris Gryzlov. According to him, the intensity of the fire grows from the beginning of may.
There is currently a high demand for blood supplies. Reasons for this are postponed surgeries and the beginning of the holiday season.In view of the lack of supplies, the German Red Cross is urgently calling for blood donations nationwide."We...
A decaffeinated espresso called the police in Florence. A man disagreed with the price of Italy's national drink. The café now has to pay a fine of 1,000 euros.All over the world, Italy stands for outstanding architecture, dolce vita...
Father against son, a dispute over a fairytale castle and a lawsuit: a court has now dismissed the lawsuit against Ernst August Hereditary Prince of Hanover and ended the Guelph soap about the Marienburg. At least for now.A long-standing...
After a craving or eating too much cake, many people experience an unpleasant feeling in their body. Read here which foods are good for your body if you have eaten too much sugar. Sometimes an extra piece of cake ends...

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