
Despite the deployment of almost 1,700 firefighters, the forest fires on the French Atlantic coast are not yet under control. Around the famous Dune du Pilat, the flames are also destroying livelihoods.Dramatic scenes are still taking place around the...
The 80-year-old pensioner Regina Müller was reported to the traffic authorities by her own daughter. For security reasons, she should be forced to give up her driver's license.Regina Müller (80) is shocked when she receives a letter from the...
Comedian Jason Selvig attended the NRA's annual meeting in Houston, Texas, and spoke on a panel with its leader. His sarcastic speech is now doing the rounds on the internet.There is hardly an organization that is more controversial in...
Every summer, tens of thousands of beluga whales leave their wintering grounds in the Arctic Ocean and swim to Hudson Bay. Conservationists from Polar Bears International are filming and livestreaming this event - they want to learn more about...
Testosterone is the ultimate masculinity hormone. If the values ​​in men are too low, it not only has a negative impact on sexuality, but also on their health. According to a new study, above certain values ​​the risk of...
Clear symptoms, but despite a medical odyssey there was no diagnosis for years. How Ilona Beyer still managed to get the right treatment for her blood cancer and what she advises other sufferers based on her experience.Still alert and...
Venezuela's economy is dependent on oil exports, is going through a difficult period due to pandemic in the world has decreased demand, and the country is forced to preserve the well. And U.S. sanctions worsen the situation - the oil production of Venezuela has declined to the level of 1945.
Losses of world economy due to pandemic by the beginning of summer rose and was more than expected in April. The international monetary Fund (IMF) worsened the recovery prospects of countries.
May 9, 2024 is Father's Day. But why do we celebrate the day at all and why is it always a holiday? FOCUS online offers an overview of the most interesting information about Father's Day.On Father's Day we allow...
The BBC delivers the big news, but local reports don't miss out on the Falkland Islands either. This is also due to the only newspaper that fulfills a remarkable dual function.Local newspaper and national newspaper in one: The "Penguin...

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