
American Agency Bloomberg the second time in a week accused of falsifying data about Russia.
The first of the five Iranian tankers with fuel close to the waters of Venezuela, despite threats from Washington.
In the United States, half-mast flags in memory of the victims of the coronavirus, which in the country is approaching one hundred thousand.
The national army of Libya accused Turkey of supporting terrorists. And it's not just words. The Libyan military has presented irrefutable evidence.
American President Donald trump is thinking about creating a Commission to review complaints of bias against conservatives in social networks. The administration may also encourage similar audits by Federal regulatory agencies such as the Federal communications Commission and the Federal election Commission.
Ukrainian law enforcers have checked and denied information about the explosion near the office of Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the "Opposition platform For life" (opzz) of Viktor Medvedchuk in the capital of Ukraine. They said that in front of the office took place the protest action, which participants lit flares.
In response to the possible nuclear test, the United States, Russia could withdraw from the Treaty on comprehensive ban of nuclear tests and that our country will be even profitable. This opinion was expressed by associate Professor of international security faculty of world politics of Moscow state University Alexei Fenenko.
Assistant of the American President Robert O'brien believes that the US withdrawal from the Treaty on open skies (DON) not untie the cold war. And does not affect civilian flights.
Russian leader Vladimir Putin signed a law on distance voting. The document is available on the portal of legal information.
The official representative of the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has publicly backed his chief adviser, seriously violated the regime of self-isolation. Dominic Cummings, participated in the drafting of the rules of quarantine, in March, left his home in London and went for 400 miles to Durham, where his parents live.

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