
The US withdrawal from the Treaty on open skies - intentional American authorities for the erosion of strategic stability and security in the world. This opinion was expressed by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in the program "Sunday night with Vladimir Solovyov.
Petro Poroshenko and Joe Biden - dirty scheme. As Vice President of the United States even more corrupted the already corrupt President of Ukraine?
Is there in the West things are more important than democracy? Maybe someone will say, money. Probably, but it immediately broke out a dispute.
Unfortunately, the year that Zelensky in power, peace to the Donbass he never brought. Reboot did not happen.
The dire predictions come true, time to lower the flags. In the United States - national mourning for the victims of the coronavirus. The plague killed almost 100 million Americans.
China is the main political event of the year, opened the annual session of the Supreme legislative body of the country of vsekitajsky meeting of national representatives.
May 20 the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky gave a press-conference dedicated to the anniversary of the inauguration. In contrast to the last - 14-hour - this press conference did not last long - only three hours, during which journalists had time to ask 22 times.
The United States out of the world health organization and will not give her a penny.
The mayor of the French commune, became the first female transgender. A 55-year-old Marie To voted the inhabitants of Tilloy-lès-Marchien in the North of the country.
Head to the summit of leaders "the seven" could take place at the end of June, said the assistant to the President for homeland security Robert O'brien. If in the future the situation for the coronavirus will develop favorably, the summit of heads of Britain, Italy, Canada, USA, France, Germany and Japan may take place in conventional face-to-face format without using the remote version of the video.

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