
A new edition of the Strategy of counteracting extremism in Russia till 2025 approved by the Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Russian President signed a decree published on the official portal of legal information.
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko made their forecasts about the second wave of coronavirus. The President also explained how the citizens of his country prepared for the fact that the head of state would be women.
"Gazprom" in response to accusations of Belarus in the inflated price of gas has proposed to start negotiations after the debt in the amount of $165,6 million.
The President of Belarus confirmed their intention to form a new government before the elections scheduled for 9 August. However, some of the nuances associated with the election campaign, Alexander Lukashenko, called the "bluff and deception."
Kostroma Governor Sergey Sitnikov, if he would participate in the September presidential elections in the region in 2020, supported by Vladimir Putin. The Russian President spent working within the hangout, which showed the TV channel "Russia 24". The Governor asked the President's approval to participate in the upcoming elections.
The defense Ministry of Russia jointly with the Russian foreign Ministry will hold talks with Syria about the transfer of Russian military additional real property and waters under the agreement on the placement of the aviation group of the Russian Federation.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel will continue to try to establish an honest and constructive dialogue with Russia and personally President Vladimir Putin, despite their differences. This was stated by the official representative of the Cabinet of Germany Steffen Seibert.
London invited Washington to form an alternative pool of technology providers for the deployment of 5G networks in order not to depend on China
Trump is angry with social media (especially Twitter) for interference in user generated content, calling it "censorship". Paradoxically, the President intends to repeal section 230, which would place on the social network real the duty to strictly censor the content
Events in Minneapolis who covered the protests against police brutality, provoked a strong reaction from athletes in the country, primarily in African-Americans and representatives of non-titular nation. Protests supported LeBron James, Jon Jones, and Colin Kapernick urged his compatriots to revolt.

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