
Russia has not yet taken all of their nationals who are abroad and want to return home, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with permanent members of the security Council of the country on Saturday, may 30.
Russian politicians responded to another provocative statement of the first President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk. On the eve of the former Ukrainian leader criticized the policy of Europe towards Russia. Only the creation of the international coalition to stop "Russian aggression", said Kravchuk.
Refusing to accept the will of the Crimean people, German Chancellor Angela Merkel for six years "knowingly't see the obvious". This was stated by the head of Committee of the Crimean Parliament on public diplomacy and international relations Yuriy gempel.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel rejected the invitation of the American President Donald trump to take part in the summit "the Big seven" in face-to-face format.
The United States severed all relations with the world health organization. The Russian foreign Ministry the decision of Donald trump called a blow to the foundations of international cooperation in medicine.
The US President has signed a decree on the regulation of social networks. Donald trump accused them of a monopoly on opinion, electoral censorship and unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions.
Verkhovna Rada Deputy from the party "servant of the people" Oleksandr Merezhko said that Kiev has the right to leave to halt civil war in the Donbas the Minsk agreements
The American leader Donald trump said that the US sever all ties with who
Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov explained to reporters the presence of his beard
The slogan of the campaign Biden can read: "Today you are better off than 4 years ago?". In the era of a President can be created tons of jobs. However, this does not guarantee a good life for ordinary citizens, nor the fact that the President be re-elected.

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