
Drought in the lowlands, downpours in the low mountain ranges: extreme weather conditions affect Germany differently from region to region. Germany's southwest, for example, is not heat-resistant. Researchers help Baden-Württemberg municipalities to prepare for the future. Fabian FrankeHartmut Fünfgeld...
Maintaining Momentum in Blogging SeriesBlogging is more than just a one-way street of sharing your thoughts and ideas with your audience. It's about creating a space for conversation, dialogue, and engagement with your community. While many bloggers focus on...
Freshly mown lawns can smell incredibly good. However, this distinctive scent has a specific function. We explain what the cut lawn actually means.Spring also begins the high season for lawnmowers. The hum of engines fills the air during the...
How does extreme wealth affect family life? Do the children of the super-rich develop better or worse? A researcher reports.How do billionaires see life? What would your everyday life look like if you suddenly found a billion euros in...
Pond, the sun-baked, psychedelic carnival of a band, continues to impress with their latest album. The opening track, ‘Constant Picnic’, sets the tone with its dreamy synth-disco-pop vibes, perfect for a summer day. As the album progresses, Pond showcases...
Coordinator for transatlantic relations, Germany has criticized the decision of U.S. President Donald trump to withdraw thousands of soldiers from Germany, reports Reuters.
It's swaying and celebrating again - the Oktoberfest is taking place again after a two-year break due to the pandemic! The prices for a pint of beer are said to be as high as.At the first Oktoberfest in Munich...
The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov called the question on the protracted time of preparation of the Russian-Belarusian agreement on mutual recognition of visas. According to the Minister, the importance of this arrangement is so large that to put such a question wrong.
The idea of U.S. President Donald trump on reformatting of the G7 summit requires further negotiations through diplomatic channels to clarify the nuances of the proposal.
In Serbia awaiting the arrival of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in October 2020.

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