
The highest anti-corruption court of Ukraine ordered the National anti-corruption Bureau in the country to open a case against a relative of one of the senior officials of the office of the President. This was reported by the press service of the court on his page in Facebook.
Hand disinfection at the entrance to the station, free masks and contactless identification cards. Already 1 July, the Russians will vote on amendments to the Russian Constitution. Rule 2 approved June the CEC. The main conditions ensuring full transparency and sanitary safety.
Sergei Shoigu held a telephone conversation with Pentagon mark Esper. In particular, the defense Ministers discussed issues of combating the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. So, Shoigu proposed to unite the forces of the two countries to better resist such infections in the future
The head of administration of Tambov region Alexander Nikitin is going to be nominated in the fall of 2020 to a new period.
National economic recovery plan focused on GDP growth not less than 2.5% by the end of 2021, the reduction of unemployment to 5% and the increase in real incomes. The plan was discussed during the online meeting, Prime Minister Mikhail mishustina with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In Russia there is a positive trend in the fight against coronavirus. Therefore, the President adopted the decision on appointment of date of voting on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation on 1 July. The head of Rospotrebnadzor together with the leading experts supported this decision. This was told on air of TV channel "Russia 1" the Chairman of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova.
The Central election Commission of the Russian Federation presented the sample ballot for amendments to the Constitution. Citizens will have to answer only one question: "do You approve the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation?".
The idea of U.S. President Donald trump on reformatting of the G7 summit requires further negotiations through diplomatic channels to clarify the nuances of the proposal.
On the day of voting on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation all the necessary requirements are fulfilled, so that any risks to the health of citizens was not. This was stated by the Chairman of the Central election Commission, Ella Pamfilova.
During the vote on the amendments to the Constitution of Russia the technology of carrying out it via the mail will not be used. This was announced today Chairman of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova.

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