
75 years ago in Berlin was signed the document which marked the end of the war in Europe. The victorious powers adopted a "Declaration of the defeat of Germany".
The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia commented on the decision of the Czech Republic about the appointment of the two employees of our Embassy persona non grata. The Ministry noted that the actions from Prague are dishonest and unworthy.
Chinese and Iranian Pro-government hackers attack the campaign headquarters of U.S. President Donald trump and former us Vice-President Joe Biden
Two employees of the Russian Embassy in the Czech Republic declared persona non grata. This was told by Prime Minister Andrew Babish on Friday, June 5, for an emergency situation in Prague.
On the morning of 5 June the Verkhovna Rada in Kiev again burning smoke bombs. On the square in front of the Ukrainian Parliament, where this point was made by the head of the MIA of Ukraine Arsen Avakov, gathered protesters, who demanded his immediate resignation. The reason was the deterioration of a criminogenic situation in the country.
"Harmful and futile" the idea of "returning" two of the Kuril Islands believes Japanese journalist and political analyst Yukio Kashiyama. "Our goal is only the four Islands of the South Kuril Islands" - called Tokyo Japanese journalist and political analyst Yukio Kashima.
Russia should "get out of the Middle East" because it is "destructive role". This assistant Secretary of state David Schenker. According to him, is the cornerstone of Washington's policy all the last 45 years.
Russians today can choose the site for voting on amendments to the Constitution.
"Warriors of justice" - so the American left-liberal media and bloggers present the appearance of children on the streets, covered the demonstrations and the riots. Banal considerations of security in such publications is not saying a word. As well as the fact that children can become victims of radical provocateurs.
Despite the curfew imposed in major U.S. cities, including new York, the situation radically does not change. A spontaneous protest after the murder of an African American in Minneapolis while only expanding. Thus, any distinct demands, the protesters have not put forward. Recent events in the United States in conversation with Alexander Kireevsky said political analyst Boris Mezhuev.

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