
Researchers have discovered an “indestructible” metal alloy during an experiment. The mixture amazed the team in two ways: It remains solid at high temperatures and yet does not form cracks in cold temperatures. The discovery opens up new opportunities...
Many residents of the Greek island of Ikaria live to be over 100 years old. A chef now reveals a possible secret for a long life.The residents of the Greek island of Ikaria live in one of the world-famous...
Certain foods could be the reason for particularly vivid dreams. Lucid dreaming can have various effects on the human body.The fact that a selected diet can influence our sleep quality is no longer news. Now “Gloucestershire Live” is reporting...
Five years ago, Anne was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She was 36 at the time. Today, the 41-year-old encourages other sufferers through her social media channels.FOCUS online: You were diagnosed with a brain tumor five years ago. For...
Posture speaks its own language. With the wrong movements you can quickly give the wrong impression without intending to. Find out here how your posture can affect others.“You cannot not communicate,” said the Austrian psychoanalyst and philosopher Paul Watzlawick....
Many men suffer from hereditary hair loss. However, with some measures you can prevent hair loss. Men should avoid two drinks because they can actually make hair loss worse. Full, healthy hair – and preferably for as long as possible....
In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, the WHO wanted to conclude a pandemic agreement with all 194 member countries, but the negotiations failed. The WHO annual meeting now begins. You can find all the latest news in the Corona...
A healthy metabolism helps you lose weight and ensures that you have enough energy in your everyday life. However, some routines can slow down your metabolism and thus prevent you from losing weight.Those who want to lose weight often...
To achieve success while jogging, you simply have to run faster? No way – a study shows that even very slow running is efficient. Here you can read how you can improve your fitness level with slow jogging.Especially for...
Professional teeth whitening or bleaching at the dentist is an expensive affair. There are also inexpensive home remedies that can remove discoloration from teeth.All you need for dental care is baking soda, for example in the form of commercial...

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The landscape of marketing careers involving content is ever-evolving, with a mix of positive and concerning signals. According to our 2025 Career Outlook for...