
Testosterone is the ultimate masculinity hormone. If the values ​​in men are too low, it not only has a negative impact on sexuality, but also on their health. According to a new study, above certain values ​​the risk of...
The weather is getting warmer and more and more people are enjoying time in nature. Unfortunately, there are also ticks lurking there, whose bites can be quite dangerous. Here you can read which home remedies you can use to...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is incurable. However, early detection of the autoimmune disease is important in order to have a positive influence on its course. A US research team has now further developed a procedure that is intended to detect...
Pentecost is one of the most important Christian holidays. Although Whit Monday is a day off work for many, not every day of Whitsun is legally designated as a public holiday. Find out here who is free on Pentecost...
Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner has rejected Chancellor Olaf Scholz's (SPD) proposal to increase the legal minimum wage to 15 euros.The FDP chairman told the newspapers of the Funke media group (Wednesday) that it was legitimate for the Chancellor...
Whether it is allowed to set up a pool on your balcony is a concern for many people. After all, no one wants to come into conflict with the law.The good news: There is generally no law prohibiting a...
Today is Mother's Day - and you still don't have a suitable saying for the greeting card? Then quickly! Here you will find creative help at FOCUS Online.We have a very special relationship with our mother. In childhood, she...
Almost everyone has a drawer at home full of old power supplies and charging cables. There should no longer be such accumulations of electronic waste in the future.Uniform charging cables for all cell phones, tablets and game consoles will...
Karo Burmazovic (30) worked as a nurse for ten years. Finally, she received the full blow of the nursing shortage: ignorant colleagues, illegal rosters and then the patients also became aggressive. “The boat is sinking,” says Karo, explaining why...
Do you always wake up at the same time at night? This may be due to the so-called “Chinese organ clock”. Read here what your body is trying to tell you.If you wake up at a certain time every...

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