
There are certain rituals throughout Germany at Pentecost. You can find out exactly what they celebrate and what the background to these customs is here.When you think of holiday rituals, you immediately think of Christmas. Putting up the Christmas...
Ann Kristin Kreft had cancer as a teenager and Heribert Jürgens treated her. But she was no ordinary patient and preferred to get a motorcycle license rather than undergo surgery. The renowned doctor learned from the case how to...
So, how do you start your day? With a quick cup of coffee, a meditation, a sprint to the train? The fact is that those who start the day relaxed are more balanced. The “Granny Method” shows three simple...
The esophagus is an important organ that moves food into the stomach. If it needs to be removed due to illness, doctors have options to replace it. Those affected can then eat independently again - but with restrictions.Actor Heinz...
It is no longer a secret that olive oil is healthy. But now Harvard researchers have found that it significantly reduces the risk of dementia. Especially from a certain daily amount.The number of dementia diseases such as Alzheimer's is...
Lying on the couch on Sunday? This is relaxing and is definitely allowed. But there are other things you should do before the start of the week that can even help you lose weight.Most healthy plans fail because you...
Testosterone is the ultimate masculinity hormone. If the values ​​in men are too low, it not only has a negative impact on sexuality, but also on their health. According to a new study, above certain values ​​the risk of...
The weather is getting warmer and more and more people are enjoying time in nature. Unfortunately, there are also ticks lurking there, whose bites can be quite dangerous. Here you can read which home remedies you can use to...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is incurable. However, early detection of the autoimmune disease is important in order to have a positive influence on its course. A US research team has now further developed a procedure that is intended to detect...
Pentecost is one of the most important Christian holidays. Although Whit Monday is a day off work for many, not every day of Whitsun is legally designated as a public holiday. Find out here who is free on Pentecost...

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