
Boost Your Productivity with These 5 Speed Writing Techniques

Running a business is a time-consuming endeavor that requires juggling multiple tasks such as planning, administration, product development, sales, delivery, email, bookkeeping, social media, and marketing. Add a family into the mix, and it can feel like you’re constantly jumping from one demand to the next without a moment to even reheat a cup of tea you made three hours ago.

One task that often gets pushed to the bottom of the to-do list is writing blog posts. Despite knowing its importance, it can be challenging to find the time and energy to sit down and write. The struggle to find the right words and inspiration can lead to procrastination and frustration. However, there are ways to improve your writing efficiency and productivity with the help of psychology-backed techniques.

1. Have a Plan

Procrastination is a common hurdle when it comes to writing blog posts. Waiting for inspiration to strike at the last minute is not a reliable strategy. To boost your productivity, you need to have a clear plan in place before you start writing. This includes outlining your key points, gathering relevant research, and creating a structure for your post.

In psychology, this approach is known as an ‘implementation intention.’ By breaking down your writing task into smaller, manageable steps, you engage the prefrontal cortex of your brain, which is responsible for decision-making and goal-setting. Having a plan reduces the likelihood of procrastination by providing a roadmap for your writing process.

2. Make Planning a Separate Exercise

Trying to brainstorm ideas and write content in the same environment can lead to creative blockages. To enhance your creativity and efficiency, consider separating your planning and writing tasks. For example, you can brainstorm ideas at a local café to stimulate new thoughts and then write in a different setting, such as your home office.

Our environment plays a significant role in triggering our habits and thought patterns. By changing your work environment, you can break free from routine thinking and generate fresh ideas. Large spaces with natural light and fresh air can inspire creativity and help you overcome mental barriers.

3. Write for 15 Minutes a Day

Starting a writing task can be daunting, especially when faced with a blank page. To overcome this initial resistance, commit to writing for just 15 minutes a day. Set a timer, eliminate distractions, and focus on putting your thoughts into words. If you’re stuck, write down anything that comes to mind, even if it’s ‘I don’t know what to write here.’

This approach, known as the Zeigarnik Effect, leverages our natural tendency to complete tasks once we’ve started them. By establishing a daily writing routine, you create momentum that can carry you through the entire writing process. The key is to keep writing consistently, even when inspiration is lacking.

4. Set a Deadline

As a business owner, you have the flexibility to set your own deadlines. However, this freedom can sometimes lead to procrastination and delayed tasks. To overcome this challenge, establish firm deadlines for your blog posts to create a sense of urgency and focus.

The Yerkes-Dodson Law states that as stress levels increase, our performance and motivation also rise. By setting deadlines for your writing tasks, you activate a sense of pressure that can push you to complete the work efficiently. Self-imposed deadlines can be effective for conscientious individuals, while others may benefit from external deadlines set by colleagues or editors.

5. Focus on the End Result

When faced with a difficult task like writing a blog post, it’s essential to focus on the end goal and reward. Visualize the satisfaction of hitting the publish button or receiving positive feedback from readers as motivation to complete your writing. By shifting your focus from avoidance goals to approach goals, you can maintain a positive mindset and drive towards accomplishing your writing tasks.

Approach goals are objectives that propel us forward and inspire action, such as the anticipation of a reward or positive outcome. By identifying the rewards and benefits of completing your blog posts, you can harness this motivation to stay on track and overcome writing challenges. Whether it’s the sense of achievement or the joy of sharing your ideas with others, focusing on the end result can fuel your writing productivity.

In conclusion, implementing these speed writing techniques can help you enhance your productivity and efficiency when writing blog posts. By incorporating psychological principles and strategies into your writing process, you can overcome procrastination, enhance creativity, and achieve your writing goals with greater ease. Remember to plan ahead, set deadlines, and focus on the rewards of completing your writing tasks to boost your productivity and writing speed.