Three types of cheese could be contaminated with listeria. Children, pregnant women and older people in particular could be at risk.

As “” reports, Food Manufaktur Pellworm GmbH has urgently announced the recall of three of its cheese products. The affected items could potentially be contaminated with listeria. This poses a particular danger to children, pregnant women and older people, as these groups of people have an increased risk of serious gastrointestinal diseases.

The potentially contaminated cheese products whose best-before dates have already been exceeded are the following products:

Customers who may have purchased these products over the counter are urged to exercise particular caution as it may be difficult to identify the affected lots.

The Inselmeierei Pellworm, which sells its products mainly in northern Germany, offers its goods for sale at Naturkost Nord, Grell Naturkost, Naturkost Elkershausen, Famila and in your organic store. The products can also be purchased online.

According to “”, buyers who have purchased an affected product should return it to the point of sale. If you have any further questions, please contact customer service, which can be reached by phone at 04844-255 or by email at

The original for this article “These three types of cheese are urgently recalled” comes from