Donald Trump is once again violently taken to a number of journalists, this Wednesday, at a press conference organized in the aftermath of the mid-term elections, focusing its spikes on the correspondent of CNN at the White House. “That’s enough, go to the microphone”, has launched the american president at Jim Acosta after a long exchange heated with the reporter on the issue of the “caravan” of central American migrants heading to the u.s. border. An employee of the White House even intervened physically to remove the microphone from his hands. A scene unprecedented in the political history of the contemporary United States.
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Jim Acosta, who had already suffered the wrath of the billionaire, has nonetheless continued to question him while the president is away from the pulpit for not answering. “CNN should be ashamed to employ you, you are very rude and a bad person”, he launched. In a press release, the chain, regularly qualified media “fake news” by Donald Trump and his supporters, accused including the chairman of utter attacks “dangerous” and contrary to the values of the American way “disturbing”.
The journalist who has succeeded then to Jim Acosta at the micro came to the defense of his colleague, the greeting as a “reporter scrupulous”. “I’m not one of your big fans, to be honest,” and “you’re not the best”, said Donald Trump, before answering his question. It has also silenced another CNN journalist, April Ryan, who tried to ask him a question without having the microphone.
A reporter called it “racist”, another “beauty”
The president then accused a reporter for a black to be “racist” after he was questioned on his rhetoric, “nationalist”, which would have made the game of the white-supremacist, before you qualify, ironically, another reporter of “beauty”. “I’m the subject of a coverage [in the media] very inaccurate”, he then said. “I could make something fantastic, and they (journalists, editor’s NOTE) would do something bad”. At the end of the press conference that lasted almost 1: 30, he hoped that “the tone could be better, but it starts with the media.” “I give the shots and I don’t fight for me, but for the people of this country,” he concluded.
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The 45th president of the United States has very poor relations with a part of the american press, including CNN and the major networks CBS, ABC and NBC, as well as the daily New York Times and Washington Post . He regularly accuses those he refers to as “media Fake News” to be the “enemies of the people” instilling the division in the population. It gives interviews with Fox News, the news channel continuous favorite of conservatives.
last week, he had accused the media of a “Fake News” lead to “violence” in the United States after the worst killing spree of anti-semitic ever perpetrated in the country, at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, and the sending of parcel bombs to personalities and institutions, including CNN, opponents of the president.