Teodora Torrendo

Teodora Torrendo

He wanted to rape girls, kill and eat – then a policeman offered him...

It was not a long Text, the Alexander Nathan Barter in the Darknet posted. But only a short call. Barter sought help. Because he wanted to live out his inclinations: "and I...

Divers mountains, the first black box from crashed machine in Indonesia

The most important messages in the Short Overview: the flight recorder of stürzter machine found (6.48 PM)cream of Tartar should also have 16-Year-old harassed (6.31 p.m.)auto driver six days after the...

Every fourth girl in South Sudan thinks of suicide

In South Sudan rages on since nearly four years of civil war. In the meantime, four million people living in the youngest state of the world are on the run - that's...

Piña Colada & Co: your favorite cocktails contain more sugar than you think

The world health organization (WHO) recommends a maximum of six teaspoons of sugar – 25 grams per day. This corresponds to about five per cent of the calorie needs. This is dramatically...

Why more and more pubs in the UK close up

Earlier in the afternoon after work, there is no way past it: Pubs are one of Britain such as the Afternoon Tea or the accurately trimmed lawn. But more and more hosts...

Riots before Cup match in Rostock – COP, gives warning shot

The most important messages in the Short Overview: policeman before the game Rostock against Nürnberg warning shot (16.12 PM)is not running Laschet, CDU-chair (14.10 hours), and the main train station in...

iPhone XR in the Test: The Same in Yellow?

The year 2013 was a turning point in the iPhone history. For the first Time, Apple is not only stopped, but two new iPhones in one fell swoop. Parallel to the iPhone...

Amazon fixes the new Kindle is the biggest Paperwhite vulnerability

a few days Ago, the German book industry celebrated in Frankfurt. Because in spite of Netflix and music streaming, Facebook and Youtube Germany remains a country of bookworms. Nearly 30 million people...

Suspected illegal workers surrender in Rossmann

The use of contract workers in the branches of the drugstore chain Rossmann, legal rules may have been broken. This suspicion resulted in joint research by the magazine stern and the ARD...

Transactions with the cancer – AOK cooperates with scandal-pharmacist

"The greed-pharmacist", was the headline in the "Hamburger Morgenpost", as you reported last November about the research of the star. She said Günter Zeifang, operates in the Hanseatic city several pharmacies and...

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30 Examples of Circumlocution to Improve Your Writing in 2024

Exploring Circumlocution Examples to Enhance Your Writing SkillsCircumlocution is a powerful literary technique that adds depth and creativity to your writing. By using indirect...