Teodora Torrendo

Teodora Torrendo

Markus Söder: “For me, the individual fundamental right to asylum is inviolable”

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder rejects Changes to the fundamental right to asylum. "For me, the individual fundamental right to asylum is inviolable," said the CSU politician of the world on Sunday....

In spite of Brexit: Aston Martin production to double

The luxury car manufacturer Aston Martin wants to double its production by 2025, more than. The company boss Andy Palmer announced on Sunday on the sidelines of the formula 1 race in...

Like German companies, students benefit from Hong Kong’s Super-

To speak English in 36. Floor of tower one of Lippo Centre, a skyscraper in the glitzy financial district of Hong Kong. Here, the German chamber of foreign trade (AHK) has one...

Topics of the week “violence against women”: Every second to third day is killed...

International day for the elimination of violence against women - so the somewhat unwieldy full title, under which every year on may 25. November for the issue and mobilized awareness. SPIEGEL ONLINE...

The greatest Revolution in the iPad is not the Display

What is the Outcry was big. As Apple introduced in the fall of 2012, the iPhone 5, turned the debate after a short time, not to the phone itself, but not even...

Brexit: the Only seemingly agreed

Rarely, the EU stand together, United as the Brexit. Even Spain, on the last meters because of Gibraltar's cross, could still be captured. That this Europe, the stubbornness, lack of transparency and...

British woman puts BMW on paid Parking – and after that, 800 km more...

to work With a Valet service, is certainly no picnic. In the case of the paid Parking services, you can move a sled all day in luxury, but only on the shortest...

A percussion composer, says: “Of the 100,000 Streams, I can buy me Breakfast”

Between desire and reality is in many Professions a lot of space. In the series "The anonymous Job log" to tell people in a very subjective, what influences their Job -...

Basic security: Jens Spahn rejected reform plans for Hartz IV

In the debate about the future of the basic backup Hartz IV, has expressed the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) is against a fundamental restructuring. "Money without consideration, contrary to...

Giants on the move – transportation professionals in the use of

such As a 140-tonne, 40-metre-long Mine mill from your manufacturer up to the Bonn port? The perfect solution for a car crane. However, heavy transports such as this are a game of...

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30 Examples of Circumlocution to Improve Your Writing in 2024

Exploring Circumlocution Examples to Enhance Your Writing SkillsCircumlocution is a powerful literary technique that adds depth and creativity to your writing. By using indirect...