Teodora Torrendo

Teodora Torrendo

United, but sadly, the EU votes-27 for the exit of the contract

At the special summit in Brussels, the heads of state votes - and the heads of government for the United Kingdom negotiated exit contract. Thus, it enters into force, it must Theresa May obtain...

Education comment: The axe of the basic law

It is the third Time within a short period of time, that a large coalition will change the basic law – this Time with the help of the Greens and the FDP, because...

The future of the monetary Union: Berlin’s Plan for fire-protection walls in the Euro-house

The Federal government wants to move walls, Euro-house, new fire protection. The Ministry of Finance and the Chancellery have agreed on the outline of a new line of credit, to allow Euro-member States,...

Comment on diesel verdict: Volkswagen castle car gets gaps

In defense of the 28,000 customers, Volkswagen has built claims to be a bulwark from the lawyers, lucrative Compare and dismissed the lawsuits. The group considers, not for the "law effect" contribute, as...

Migration debate: Söder: the fundamental right to asylum is inviolable

in Bavaria, the Prime Minister, Markus Söder, has spoken out against the Amendment of the fundamental right to asylum. "For me, the individual fundamental right to asylum is inviolable," said Söder the "world...

We need to share all of our stories, the good, the bad – Michelle...

you are actually radiating, in white dress, in front of the wood paneling of the hotel Suite. With 1.80 meters, presence of Michelle Obama towered over her Entourage, which is by the...

Also the Euro-6 Diesel Next Diesel-investigation in the case of Opel

Opel is struggling with the next suspicion of manipulation. The Federal motor transport authority investigated the exhaust gas purification of other diesel models, according to the Hessische Rundfunk. It is, among...

Who has zoomed in?: Heidi Klum shows Topless in the Pool and the Fans...

Heidi Klum makes a Instagram photo once again for a violent reaction among their community. With his latest Posting, the Model will apply actually just his swimwear collection from gone Label "Heidi...

Test: 130-Euro-Smartphone cuts as good as the iPhone XS – behind

What makes a good Smartphone? This question is probably the answer any different. Many people are likely to value a good camera, other the battery life, the Design or the operating speed...

Macron on Pétain : remarks similar to those of Chirac and De gaulle

What was really said Emmanuel Macron on Philippe Pétain ? How spoke before him the other presidents of "the man of Verdun" ? Saturday, at the hotel...

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