Teodora Torrendo
The ambassador digital of France, a position atypical, unrecognized and strategic
Share on Facebook Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Twitter Send by e-mail Send by e-mail The French diplomacy has a new voice, and his area is a bit particular :...
In Algeria, from study abroad to weigh more heavily on the labour market
At the university of Nanterre, in the paris suburbs. MARC WATTRELOT / AFP In the media library of the French Institute of Algiers, on Saturday afternoon, Lina, 15 years, does not hide his...
Deadly Explosion near a factory in China
At least 22 people were killed and 22 injured, on Wednesday, November 28, in an explosion followed by a fire near a chemical plant in the north of China, announced the local authorities....
Hong Kong are competing for Jobs: The secret behind the educational miracle
"the myth of the Schalke" is in big letters on the T-Shirt of Shun You Lau. He sits gleaming in the tenth floor of a skyscraper in Hong Kong, where the German...
Should be proficient in the language of the dolphins: a woman wants to bring...
the Dorina Rosin believes that her unborn child has mastered the language of the dolphins. The expectant mother swims regularly with the animals. ...
So you can reach the customer service of DHL
the Service for the private customers of DHL at a glance private customers can contact the customer service for questions regarding a shipment under 0228-4333112 you can...
Mini-interest rates: ECB-Director Lautenschläger warns of faster turnaround on interest rates
"I am very to normalize monetary policy. This also means that we should raise interest rates gradually," said Sabine Lautenschläger, in an Interview with the "Welt am Sonntag". For the Vice-Head of...
Smartphone-Hammer on Ebay! Samsung Galaxy S8 will cost only 379 Euro
about a year Ago, took the Galaxy S8 still exorbitant 800 Euro, and it belonged to 2017 of the Top phones of the CHIP leaderboard. After the successor models of the S9...
LBS-in-chief Münning explains what he thinks is the best retirement
FOCUS Online : you have total 2018 until October, when the New contracts clearly. Low interest rates help the building societies business? Jörg Münning : people...
Fences, Gratings, Concrete Bollards! How German Christmas markets against Terror equip
at the Latest, on the weekend, some 2,500 Christmas markets open their doors. Anyone who strolls along between the stalls, sees it not only mulled wine stands, gingerbread and beautiful lights, but...