Teodora Torrendo

Teodora Torrendo

Finland joins the European heritage label – Kuopio is already there id get as

Finland joins the european heritage label. Id can be granted within the EU for items which are of European history, culture and integration play a key role. the city of Kuopio...

How did this happen? The hated coal demand and price go up, even if...

the Battle of coal versus hot, but the pace on various fronts is very different. Almost two hundred countries have convened to agree on cutting carbon emissions. Finland aims to be...

The death of the entrepreneur Albert Frère, the richest of Belgium

The entrepreneur belgian Albert Frère has died this Monday at age 92, according to an announcement by the conglomerate that he founded, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert (GBL) . Frère, with...

New premiere on HBO: he Comes the third season of Berlin Station

The third season of Berlin Station premieres December 3 on HBO Spain . Created by Olen Steinhauer and presented in 2016, this audiovisual work of espionage and...

Lluís Homar tells the story of the drama of the refugees in The net...

Lluís Homar look over Europe, with the look of a refugee asian The net senyor Linh , a play directed by the prestigious director belgian Guy Cassiers, the next...

Look with the eyes closed

The yellow trumpet of Kandinsky is a classic. And the blue freedom, also. Everyone we associate ideas to the visual. But what about people who do not see? What does it mean...

Your children are safer to reverse

Who doesn't remember those trips as a family? Everyone in the car tight going to the beach, the mountain or the village. Singing the same songs or playing the same games forever. Hours...

Think to know the tears in the eyes of something as dry as a...

It came as julekvelden on kulturkjerringa. To suddenly feel the lump in my throat and tears in my eyes on something basically as dry as the presentation of the "Msgs. St....

Tenåringsbrødre convicted of armed robbery and rape

Eldstebroren is in the Oslo district court sentenced to seven years in prison, while his two year younger brother got three and a half years in prison, according to the judgment which was...

British spionsjef warns Russia against to underestimate the West

Younger will speak at St. Andrews University in Scotland, where he himself studied, and according to the excerpts which have been known in advance, he comes to say that Russia has entered a...

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