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News Editor

Case Khashoggi : how a second commando of the saudi agents had cleaned up...

From our correspondent in Istanbul The face framed by a stroke of a red pencil, two men penetrate the enclosure of the saudi consulate in Istanbul. Officially, they...

“Midterms 2018” : what we need to remember the american elections

The democrats have succeeded in their bet in regaining power in the House of representatives, thus imposing a cohabitation to Donald Trump. But they will have to settle for a narrow victory,...

Dimitris Avramopoulos : “The migration crisis is threatening the european project”

Dimitris Avramopoulos is the european commissioner for home Affairs, responsible for migration policy of the EU. A member of the New Democracy party, he was minister of foreign Affairs in Greece. ...

Pakistan : the christian Asia Bibi being freed from prison

"She was released. I was told that she was in a plane, but nobody knows where it will land," wrote the lawyer of Asia Bibi, Me ul-Mulook, in a message to AFP....

Midterms : “The Donald”, a former intruder became “king” of his party

Donald Trump has made the "Trump", when he commented on the results of the mid-term elections Tuesday evening, after a dinner of burgers. "A huge success!", a-t-launched it. a Follower...

Yemen : saudi Arabia is resistant to the objurgations of Washington

Weakened by the assassination to the worldwide coverage of a dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the crown prince of saudi arabia Mohammed Bin Salman will he be forced to relent in the war...

Some 4,000 migrants en route to the United States make a stop in Mexico...

Up to 8000 migrants divided into three caravans will converge to the United States, which takes place this Tuesday the mid-term elections, that the american president has placed under the sign of...

Iraq : more than 200 mass graves of the islamic State found

More than 200 mass graves containing up to 12,000 bodies have been discovered in several provinces in the north and west of Iraq held between 2014 and 2017 by the group jihadist...

When Donald Trump divides into the heart of families

special envoy to Wilkes Barre Since November 8, 2016 in the evening, Lynette Villano, 72-year-old activist republican of the county of Luzerne, in the north-eastern Pennsylvania, is in...

The Letter of Figaro Premium of 6 November 2018

Dear subscribers, hello, It will have to stay up late or get up very early. 230 million Americans will vote today to renew the Congress, but, for us, the French,...

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The landscape of marketing careers involving content is ever-evolving, with a mix of positive and concerning signals. According to our 2025 Career Outlook for...