“the country In which the population flees when peace is declared?” pretends to ask a young woman who fled eritrea recently arrived in the camp of the Mai-Aini. Since the opening of the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea on 11 September, 14.107 Eritreans sought asylum in Ethiopia, according to the High Commissioner united Nations for refugees (UNHCR). “Now that we can leave our country without being shot at, I came with my children to join my husband.” Ethiopia welcomed officially 174.000 eritrean refugees, fleeing the “campaign of widespread and systematic enslavement, imprisonment, enforced disappearances, torture, persecution and rape,” denounced by the commission of inquiry of the UN on the situation of human rights in Eritrea, in June 2016. For the past month, the number of daily arrivals has been multiplied by seven. The profile of new arrivals has changed: for 90% of them, it comes to women …

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